12 Jan 1996: IMG2CCT.EXE revised, removing a bug in clipping (tex-1/progs.zip) 12 Jan 1996: PZ.EXE modified to supress some annoying beeps (tex-1/progs.zip) 20 Jan 1996: CLIB96E.PPS replaced by CLIB256E.PPS (hzfnts-[1-4]/*, more-fonts/256x256/) 29 Jan 1996: move distribution disks to ./dist, rename ./more-fonts to ./fonts, add ./fonts/96x96 subdirectory 29 Jan 1996: CLIB256E.PPS edited (hzfnts-[1-4]/*, fonts/256x256/, fonts/96x96/) 31 Jan 1996: dist/tex-1/install.bat updated dist/mf386-1/mfinst.bat updated dist/hzfnts-1/install.exe renamed to dist/hzfnts-1/hzinst.exe Add file "./HDINST.DOC" 6 Feb 1996: add "-y" option to "patchdvi.exe" (tex-1/progs.zip) 6 Feb 1996: move /pub/MSDOS/cct to /pub/cct, add directory /pub/unix. 9 Feb 1996: move /pub/cct/dist to /pub/cct/msdos 1 Mar 1996: tools/fonttest.exe revised makepk.exe revised (msdos/mf386-1/mf386.zip) DVI drivers v5.11 for MSDOS (betatest/.) 21 March 1996: CCT v5.11 in "msdos/v5.11", the old version kept in "msdos/v5.1". Read "README.cct" for new features and changes. "betatest/*" removed. Warning: the default sizes in CCT.DAT have been modified. 8 May 1996: . add "-b1" and "-q" options to PATCHDVI.EXE and when PATCHDVI.EXE can not find the BMF file, it will look for corresponding PCX file. . add "-n" option to BMF2PCX.EXE and BMF2TIF.EXE, which is necessary when using DVIWin. 23 August 1996: Remove a bug which may cause loss of emlines (DVI*.EXE). 10 Jan 1997: Version 5.12 of DVI drivers: Allow reductionx or reductiony to be zero, in which case they will be automatically chosen by the program. Add option -&[0|1] to allow interactive change of zoom. (with the keys '<', '>', '+', '-', '1'-'9') Specification of foreground and background colors through "-^" option, it only works for VESA modes. Use -A1 option by default. User defined font: first look for the file whose name is obtained by changing the extension of the DVI file to ".pz", then in the HZFONTS directory (DVI*.EXE, PATCHDVI.EXE). Add environment variable "xxxxOPTS" for options, where "xxxx" stands for the name of the executable. 17 Feb 1997: v5.12 of the DVI drivers. CCT manual updated. Source files of the CCT manual included in cctman.zip. Font CLIB256E.PPS revised. Especially, character G0-0604 corrected. Add ZZ2PZ.EXE (which was missing in previous release). Add FORALL.EXE. 11 Mar 1997: MAKEPK.EXE improved. (mf386-1/mf386.zip). Add a feature missing in previous release of PATCHDVI.EXE: scaling Chinese characters by the factors specified in ccfonts.def (tex-1/progs.zip). March 11 1997: v1.12 of patchdvi: Scale Chinese characters by the scale factors defined in ccfonts.def. Fix a bug in packing raster data into PK format (currently maxi. allowed bitmap height is 4096). cctinit: When "TEXINPUTS" and "FONTTFMS" contain multiple paths seperated by ":", the first one is used (Unix only). Read initialization file (obtained by adding '.ini' to the name of the executable). April 2 1997: Fix a bug in processing \special{em: line ...} (DVI*.EXE). May 14 1997: Update texinput.zip with new macro packages. move dvips558.tgz to disk "TeX 3.14159 #1/5" and delete SB39TEX.ZIP. May 22 1997: Regenerate 180dpi and 300dpi PK files, some of them were out of date ("TeX 3.14159 #3/5, #4/5, #5/5"). Sep 23 1997: Fix a bug in processing .DBA files. Dec 18 1997: Prepare v5.13: MAKEPK.EXE: Add '-E' option to directly generate PK files. CCT.EXE: Add '-S#' option, useful when using \index with Chinese chars. UNCCT.EXE: Fix a small bug. DVI*.EXE: automatically generate missing PK files (calling MAKEPK.EXE). Delete invalid/incomplete PK files. Update CCT's manual. Provide some macro packages for typesetting Chinese documents with LaTeX2e (`cctbook' class, `cctart' class, and `cctbase' package). Remove PK fonts from the distribution diskettes. They will be generated as required by the DVI drivers. Add PSCVT.EXE for converting PS graphics. IMG2CCT.EXE updated. Include macro packages `TeXDraw', 'texinfo', ???????? Include the MAKEINDX.EXE program. Feb 25 1998: v5.13-pl6: IMG2CCT.EXE updated (tex-1/progs.zip), removing a bug with the '-c' flag. March 25 1998: v5.13-pl7: fixed a bug in IMG2CCT.EXE when processing a PCL file which causes 'backward ...' warning. April 19 1998: v5.13-pl8: CCT.EXE revised to add a work around for a problem with LaTeX2e which causes parindent following some list environments to disappear in some situation. PSCVT.EXE modified. May 19 1998: v5.13-pl9: IMG2CCT.EXE changed (progs.zip). May 23 1998: v5.13-pl10: Fixing a bug in DVI*.EXE (progs.zip). June 4 1998: v5.13-pl11: Modify cctart.ctx to set default \pagestyle to 'plain' (tex-2/texinput.zip) July 24 1998: v5.13-pl12: PSCVT.EXE, CCTINIT.EXE, and PATCHDVI.EXE revised (tex-1/progs.zip) for working with new version of CCTWIN. July 29 1998: Depth factor changed to 0.2 in CCT.DAT. To update, just download `cct.dat' from /pub/cct/patches/ and replace the old `cct.dat' in the CCT system, then run `cctinit' once. September 13 1998: PATCHDVI modified to including the '-c' command-line option, which is said to be required by some PS-PDF converting program. See online help message of the program for detail about this option. January 25 1999: Fix a bug in DVISCR.EXE (tex-1/progs.zip) which causes some characters to be incorrectly displayed in grey mode. March 08 1999: Fix a bug in dvipsc.in. The distribution files unix/v*/*.tar.gz have been updated. April 07 1999: Fix a bug in pscvt.exe in handling quoted ps filenames (e.g., the `dvips' driver of the `graphicx' package of LaTeX2e). April 23 1999: Fix a bug in dvipsc in processing command-line arguments passwd to dvipsc. 'theindex' environment in cctbook.cls (cctbook.ctx) modified. August 1 1999: New (alpha) version of cct.exe, cctinit.exe, and cctwin*.exe supporting GBK character set (in the directory GBK/). Read 'README' file for information. November 5, 1999: An incorrect character in the font file 'cl256k0.pps' has been fixed (unix/fonts.tar.gz) December 7, 1999: bmf2pcx has been modified to generate a more portable PCX format. March 2, 2000: replace emx.exe and rsx.exe in tex-1/emtex386.zip with a version that works with Windows NT 4.0. October 27, 2000: tex-1/progs.zip: add double quotes in *tex*.bat files such that they work with win2000. Febrary 09, 2001: tex-2/texinput.zip: cctbase.ctx and cctbase.sty modified such that they work with LaTeX2e's slides document class (replacing \renewcommand by \def). The *.tar.gz files in the 'unix' directory have also been updated. The new cctbase.* files are also provided in the subdirectory ./patches. Please replace cctbase.* in \emtex\texinput\cct (MSDOS) or /usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/cct (UNIX) with them. March 09, 2001: doinst.sh in cct-linux*.tar.gz modified to work with RedHat TeTeX distribution by default. Add unix/cct-redhat6x-1.1-9.i386.rpm