@echo off if A%1==AHD_Run goto :install @echo * * * * * @echo WARNING: THIS SHELL SCRIPT WILL INSTALL CCT ON THE CURRENT DRIVE! @echo * * * * * @echo This package combines emTeX-386 3.14159 [4a] and CCT's DVI @echo drivers v5.13, which will be installed in the subdirectory "\EMTEX" on @echo the current hard disk partition. If you are not logged on the hard disk @echo partition on which you plan to install TeX and CCT, hit [Ctrl]+[Break] @echo to exit and then restart the installation. @echo * * * * * @echo To install from drive B:, type: @echo B:INSTALL B: @echo To install from a subdirectory, say d:\toto, type: @echo D:\TOTO\INSTALL D:\TOTO pause cd \ >nul mkdir \emtex >nul cd \emtex if A%1==A goto :inst_a if not exist %1\install.bat goto :not_found copy %1\install.bat >nul \emtex\install HD_Run %1 :inst_a if not exist a:\install.bat goto :not_found copy a:\install.bat >nul \emtex\install HD_Run A: :install @echo off @echo * @echo Source path=%2 @echo * @echo * @echo * Making directories... @echo * cd \emtex mkdir texinput >nul mkdir tfm >nul mkdir btexfmts >nul mkdir doc >nul copy %2\readme.cct doc >nul copy %2\cctman.zip doc >nul copy %2\unzip.exe >nul copy %2\sample.ctx >nul @echo * @echo * Installing DVI drivers to the directory \EMTEX... @echo * rem Delete old files del tiftobmf.exe >nul del bmftotif.exe >nul del pcl2bmf.exe >nul \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\progs \emtex\forall -s (cart??.sty cbk??.sty crep??.sty carticle.sty cbook.sty creport.sty cletter.sty) del %%f >nul \emtex\forall -s (cchead.sty cctart.* cctbook.* ccfnt?.tfm ccdummy.tfm) del %%f >nul @echo * @echo * Installing emTeX programs to the directory \EMTEX... @echo * \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\emtex386 copy *.poo btexfmts\. >nul del *.poo >nul copy *.doc doc\. >nul del *.doc >nul del tex.exe >nul ren tex386.exe tex.exe if exist %2\TEX.2 goto disk2_ok :askdisk2 @echo Please insert TeX3.14159 diskette #2/3 (tex-2) into drive %2 pause if not exist %2\TEX.2 goto askdisk2 :disk2_ok @echo * @echo * Copying macro files to the directory \EMTEX\TEXINPUT... @echo * cd \emtex \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\texinput @echo * @echo * Copying TFM files to the directory \EMTEX\TFM... @echo * cd \emtex \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\tfm @echo * @echo * Copying MAKEINDEX programs and docs to \EMTEX... @echo * cd \emtex \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\makeindx @echo * @echo * Generating FMT files... @echo * cd \emtex\btexfmts SET EMTEXDIR=\EMTEX rem SET TEXINPUT=\EMTEX\TEXINPUT! rem SET BTEXFMT=\EMTEX\BTEXFMTS! rem SET TEXTFM=\EMTEX\TFM! SET EMX=\EMTEX\EMX.EXE SET RSX=\EMTEX\RSX.EXE \emtex\tex/i plain \dump \emtex\tex/i latex.ltx \dump \emtex\tex/i amstex.ini del *.log >nul del *.aux >nul if not exist plain.fmt goto :fmterr if not exist latex.fmt goto :fmterr if not exist amstex.fmt goto :fmterr goto :fmtok :fmterr @echo ************ @echo Unable to create .FMT files. Please rename the files "C:\CONFIG.SYS", @echo and "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT", reboot the computer, and then restart the @echo installation. goto :fin :fmtok \emtex\cctinit -H\emtex\texinput -T\emtex\tfm @echo TeX programs and device drivers installed. %2\setpath call \emtex\setenv cd\ if exist %2\TEX.3 goto disk3_ok :askdisk3 @echo Please insert TeX3.14159 diskette #3/3 (tex-3) into drive %2 pause if not exist %2\TEX.3 goto askdisk3 :disk3_ok @echo * @echo * Installing MF386... @echo * cd \ \emtex\unzip -oaL %2\mf386.zip if exist %2\HZINST.EXE goto disk4_ok :askdisk4 @echo If you don't want to install Chinese PPS fonts, press Ctrl-Break now, @echo otherwise insert PPS fonts diskette #1/4 (hzfnts-1) into drive %2 pause if not exist %2\HZINST.EXE goto askdisk4 :disk4_ok %2\HZINST @echo **************************************************** @echo * CCT V5.13 successfully installed. @echo * @echo * Please add the following line: @echo * @echo * call :\emtex\setenv.bat @echo * @echo * to the file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT. @echo * @echo * If you are running Windows 95/98/NT, please reboot @echo * your computer before using CCT. @echo **************************************************** goto fin :not_found @echo Invalid source drive! :fin del \emtex\install.bat >nul