* Fri Jun 18 2004 Zhang Lin-bo - Argument of "-timer" changed to "mm[:ss][<+|-><+|->]" - Keep position of timer unchanged with respect to scrolling - Remove fonts "song16*.pcf.gz" from the distribution which do not work with Xorg X11 of FC2, change default FontList to: "8x16;-*-*-*-*-*--16-160-72-72-c-160-*-*:" in TEXMF/xdvi/zh_CN/XDvi (if simsun is installed then its better to use "8x16;-*-simsun-*-*-*--16-160-72-72-c-160-*-*:" * Thu May 20 2004 Zhang Lin-bo - TEXMF/xdvi/zh_CN/XDvi: workaround: set pageListWidth to 95 * Tue May 11 2004 Zhang Lin-bo - Use the pause cursor when in pause mode, regardless of the mouse mode (mag, rule, text, etc.). * Wed Mar 24 2004 Zhang Lin-bo - TEXMF/xdvi/zh_CN/XDvi modified to start comment lines with '!!!' * Tue Mar 16 2004 Zhang Lin-bo - Made the package relocatable (/usr/X11R6/fonts/misc/* may be incorrectly placed) * Sat Dec 07 2002 Zhang Lin-bo - Added pause support.